VMI Impact

Since its inception in 1999, the VMI has been dedicated to improving student learning in mathematics for all students and to building leadership Capacity in Vermont Schools.
Reaching Vermont Teachers
To date over 700 teachers have graduated from the VMI masters program. In all, over 1600 teachers have participated in VMI programs impacting tens of thousands of Vermont students.
Building Expertise in Mathematics Teaching and Learning Across Vermont
VMI Masters Program graduates represent over 90% of the supervisory unions on Vermont. We welcomed the first New Hampshire cohort in 2020 and are excited to work with New Hampshire schools and districts .
The VMI’s National and International Reach
The VMI has inspired and assisted a number of mathematics education initiatives. These include:
- Nebraska Math at the University of Nebraska
- University New Mexico-Albuquerque
- University of Newcastle: Australia
- University of Wyoming: Dr. Ben Roth
- Massachusetts Mathematics Initiative (MMI)
- The Intel© Math Program – A Nationwide 80-hour course adapted directly from VMI materials. VMI staff were intimately involved in the development and start-up of this project: from materials development to the training & coaching of Intel Trainers
Evaluation Studies
Evaluations of the VMI have been conducted annually since 2004 led by Dr. H. Bud Meyers of Lighthouse Evaluation. Evaluation studies consistently suggest that students in VMI schools out perform their peers in control schools. The aggregate group of VMI schools showed a statistically significant advantage over the matched comparison group of schools when students are matched from grade 4 through grade 8 to grade 10. Additionally, studies of the VMI indicate the mathematics achievement gap is narrowing between free or reduced lunch eligible students in the VMI schools and their non-eligible peers in the matched schools.
More recent evaluations of the VMI program include school and district level results that indicate mathematics instruction becomes more sophisticated and effective for more students as the number of teachers who have benefitted from VMI courses increases. School leaders report that VMI’s primary method of instruction, inquiry learning, supports their schools’ emphasis on personal learning needed for 21st Century skills and knowledge.
VMI Impact Facts at a Glance

VMI is an amazing program and I appreciate the opportunity to learn from all of you whenever I can. I am looking forward to witnessing how her advanced professional knowledge and understanding of mathematics teaching and learning ripples throughout our system in the years to come.
– Vermont Principal supporting a VMI participant

I am really excited to be hired as a full time math coach…I wouldn’t have been able to achieve this journey without VMI and all of your help!! The VMI staff was so kind to me in helping me grow as a math learner and a teacher. Thank you so much!
– 2016 VMI Graduate
Get In Touch
Since its inception in 1999, the VMI has been dedicated to improving student learning in mathematics for all students and to building leadership Capacity in Vermont Schools. Interested in learning more about our Masters Program or the other services we provide to mathematics educators and leaders? Send us a message by clicking below!