Student asking a question

VMI Master’s Degree Program

Our most popular and long-lasting program, the VMI Master’s experience is a comprehensive, three-year professional development program dedicated to providing current educators and mathematics leaders with the knowledge, skills and confidence to teach, lead, support and inspire systemic change in their schools and districts.

Student working on assignment

VMI Post-Graduate Certificate Program

Our newest program, the VMI Post-Master’s Certificate of Graduate Study is a five-course professional development opportunity focusing on mathematics education leadership. This leadership opportunity is intended for both current and aspiring mathematics leaders. There are no prerequisite requirements to the program, although one must have already earned a master’s degree in a related field

Instructor with class

Professional Development and More

The VMI offers professional development and recertification courses for practicing mathematics teachers. These courses represent a variety of mathematics topics targeting all grade levels.

Additionally, the VMI works with individual schools and districts to support systemic efforts to provide all students a high quality mathematics experience


Student with small child

I would not have thought that this was possible 3 years ago when I first started VMI.  
I will always be grateful to the VMI for the molding of who I am today!!

– 2016 VMI Graduate

Get In Touch

Since its inception in 1999, the VMI has been dedicated to improving student learning in mathematics for all students and to building leadership Capacity in Vermont Schools. Interested in learning more about our Masters Program or the other services we provide to mathematics educators and leaders? Send us a message by clicking below!