The VMI is excited to offer three different mathematics education courses this summer in the Burlington area.
Mathematics as a Second Language – July 10-14, Hampton Inn, Colchester, VT
This course provides for a deep understanding of the basic themes of arithmetic as well as the inter-relationships among arithmetic, algebra, and geometry. As VMI’s signature course, a major theme of Mathematics as a Second Language is the understanding of arithmetic and algebra through language. Participants will explore the mathematics content related to these topics, the intimate relationship among them, and the important pedagogical strategies and skills educational research suggests can have a strong impact on student learning. More information and a registration link can be found here.
Mathematical Coherence in the Elementary Grades: Foundational Understandings for Students who Struggle – June 26-28 in the Burlington area
This course explores the current research on the teaching and learning of early number concepts, additive, multiplicative and fractional reasoning. Especially useful for PreK-6 grade educators, as well as middle and high school educators working with the special needs population. More information and a registration link can be found here.
Discrete Mathematics – June 26-30, Hampton Inn, Colchester, VT
Discrete math topics are becoming more common in high school curricula and there is an escalating need for teachers to get exposure to ideas, methods and applications in this area in order to be better prepared to facilitate student discovery. Although this course covers many topics not typically taught in high school, it presents numerous examples of the Common Core standard of mathematical modeling and draws from topics in the following areas of study: basic counting methods, the binomial theorem, recursion, modular arithmetic, graph theory, set theory, Latin squares and tournaments, and fair division and voting methods. More information and a registration link can be found here.